Sunday, October 20, 2024

Preach It, Grace: A Girl’s Testimony of Faith by Susan Count


About the Book


Book: Preach It, Grace  A Girl’s Testimony of Faith (Dream Pony Book 5)

Author: Susan Count

Genre: Middle-Grade

Release date: February, 2024

Sharing a pony worked perfectly, until it didn’t.

The pony share Grace worked out with her elderly neighbor was ideal—she thought. Mr. Harvey bought the buckskin gelding’s food and Grace fed him. The pony was important to both of them so it made no sense when the elderly man sent him away. And why won’t he tell her where?


Click here to get your copy!


I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are my own and not an endorsement of all author’s opinions. 

Author Interview

• What was your process to align your book with your target audience? 


To make sure the voice is appropriate for the age, I do a lot of reading the manuscript out loud. It is also read out loud by my critique group to reveal awkward sentences and to assure child-like dialog.


What was the most challenging part of writing your book?


Since I can only compose or edit in complete quiet and solicitude, the most challenging part of writing is not being interrupted. 


• What was the most enjoyable part of writing your book? 


I like the entire process, but I love taking it through critique group because lots of educated eyes on the manuscript make it better.


• How do you weave Biblical truths into your writing? 


Hopefully, seamlessly. I strive to weave into a story Biblical values without drawing too much attention to that fact. Subtle works better for me than a club. Still, I’ve gotten comments that the books sound too religious, which grieves me because it is exactly those families where I’d like to reach the children. It is difficult to achieve the right balance. One thing I take care not to do is make the main character too goody-goody. She must be real, and my goal is for the story to reveal her values.


• Are any of your characters based off of yourself or those close to you?


There has been only one character named after someone I know. My granddaughter, Selah, inspired my first series – Dream Horse Adventures. 


• Was your writing process spontaneous as it came to you or very planned and organized? Why? 


am both a planner and a pantser. Once I figure out who my character is and what she wants more than anything, I make post-it-notes for plot points. Every writing session, I read some of what I wrote previously and, with my sights set on the goal, craft one obstacle after another. If the progress gets sluggish, I’ll set a modest, daily word count goal. It’s a wonderful thing to be walking in God’s gifting.


• Do you have a  favorite time of day you are most productive in your writing? 


I’m most productive about mid-morning after I finish taking care of the horses. But anytime the house is quiet and empty, you will find me working on a story.



• Why did you pick this genre for your book? 


I took what I wrote to my Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators critique group. Many of the members are traditionally published authors and all have been studying the craft of writing. This group easily identified that the voice of the novel was middle-grade. I didn’t pick it — it’s my natural voice.


I wrote horse books because they were what hooked me as a young reader and I love horses


• How many books do you personally own? 


I saved all the books from children’s youth and passed them on to my grandchildren. I keep a library of writing craft and marketing books. Otherwise, books that come in are generally regifted. 


• What is your next big goal as an author? 


Completely depends upon if the Lord lays a story on my heart. I have one more in the Dream Pony Series to publish this fall. Feeling like it will be the last in that series. This is the first time in eleven years that I don’t have another story in the plotting stage. At this point, waiting on him.


About the Author

Susan Count is a Kingdom Scribe who has published nine books in two equestrian series. As a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, American Christian Fiction Writers, and Texas Association of Authors, she takes studying the craft of writing seriously. Revision is her super-power.

Susan is a life-long equestrian and owned by a Rocky Mountain Horse that is kind hearted enough to take her on long, forested trail rides. She says the only thing more fun than riding might be writing horse adventure stories and she invites you to saddle up and ride along.



Read an Excerpt

Saturday started early for Grace’s family. Serve Out Saturday was the church’s biggest outreach event all year, and everyone who could turned out to help. Grace manned the church’s front-door sign-in desk. After everyone got their work assignments, she ran with her clipboard for the van headed to the retirement home. When they arrived, many residents were already gathered.
She lined up with six other girls, and they sang the gospel songs the residents requested. She searched their faces until she found Mr. Harvey in the last row. Giving him a quick wave, she sang directly to him.

He didn’t sing along like many of the residents, but he stayed for the program. That counted as a victory. Did he recognize her? She couldn’t tell.

She stepped to the microphone. “Hello. I’m Grace. That means blessings from God.”

She grinned at the residents, and they smiled back at her. “Horses are my favorite thing, and they’re also blessings from God. If you’ve ever seen a horse, then you know they are magnificent, mighty creatures.”

Grace held a booklet high, then pointed with it to the residents. “This explains how we can know the God that blesses us. And how we can go to heaven to be with him someday. It says he sent his Son, Jesus, to teach us about eternal life.”

She placed her hands over the open Bible on the podium. “No matter how hard we try, we can’t be perfect, but because of Jesus, we are forgiven for all the things we do wrong. He suffered and died on the cross, was buried, then raised to life on the third day.” She looked into Mr. Harvey’s eyes. “He loves us that much.”

As she closed the Bible, she softened her voice. “Pray to your heavenly Father—ask him to help you believe in Jesus.”

Blog Stops

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 12

Simple Harvest Reads, October 13 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, October 14 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 14

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 15

Lots of Helpers, October 16

Vicky Sluiter, October 17 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 18

Guild Master, October 19 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, October 20

A Reader’s Brain, October 21 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, October 21

Blossoms and Blessings, October 22 (Author Interview)

Life on Chickadee Lane, October 23

Cover Lover Book Review, October 24

Book Zone Reviews, October 25


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon card and a paperback copy of all five books in the series!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Have You Heard From God Lately? By Keon Lindsey


About the Book


Book: Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You

Author: Keon Lindsey

Genre: Bible Study/Devotional

Release date: March 15, 2024

Who is God?  Does He care about you?  What does He want you to know?  What is your purpose on Earth?  Why is your life not perfect?  Is there any hope in this out-of-control world?  Can you actually know God?

Have You Heard from God Lately?  30 Messages from Heaven to You helps you discover the answers to these all-important questions.  The messages are organized to progressively build your understanding of the God of the universe so that you can relate to Him.  Why?  He wants to give you the wonderful life you were made for but cannot reach without Him.


Click here to get your copy!


I received a complimentary copy of this book and all opinions given are my own and not an endorsement of all author’s opinions. 

Author Interview

Keon Lindsey, author of Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You


● What was the most challenging part of writing your book?


I was really challenged to make sure that what went into the book was accurate and would stand up to scrutiny. People could have a lot of views about hearing from God, so I didn’twant to write a book of opinions. I worked very hard to back up each idea and theme with Bible verses. My aim was for readers to feel that they have heard from God because my book draws from His Book, and He has something to say to each of us.


● What was the most enjoyable part of writing your book? 


I really enjoyed doing the Bible study and research that was needed to write Have You Heard from God Lately? I like learning and investigating. So, looking for themes, connections, and insights in the Bibe was especially fulfilling since it is my favorite book. Thinking about sharing those insights through writing was exciting and inspiring.


● Was your writing process spontaneous as it came to you or very planned and organized? Why? 


My writing process begins with an idea that I turn into anoutline. That serves as my plan for research and writing about what I learn. After that, I go with the flow of what I discover. If I come up with new ideas I’ll adjust the outline. So, I have both planning and spontaneity in my writing.


● Do you have a favorite time of day you are most productive in your writing? 


My favorite time to write is early in the morning while my house is still quiet. Since I write Bible based books, it’s great to start my day with God and think about His Word. It is extra rewarding because I feel that I’ve accomplished something worthwhile before the rest of life takes over my day. I do write at other times during the day when possible, however, there are more likely to be interruptions which can be frustrating once I’vegotten into the writing zone.


● What is your next big goal as an author? 


Several people have asked if Have You Heard from God Lately? was available as an audiobook. That started me thinking about how much I like listening to books when I drive and others might like it as well. So, I’m thinking about an audiobook, but it is a big leap from a print or e-book. I have tolearn the process and investigate resources and that will take time, but ’ll get there eventually.

About the Author

“Throughout my life God has been the source of my success and my sustainment in failure.  I’ve experienced His great love and want others to know the joy that He provides.”

Keon Lindsey is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, Pilot, PMP, Business Finance Expert, Black Belt in Karate, and has a master’s degree in Aeronautical Engineering. More importantly, he has studied the Bible over 40 years and taught Bible studies for adults and youth.

Keon writes to inspire others to dig into God’s Word and find satisfaction for their souls. His first book, Seeking the Lord, a 30 Day Start to Your Journey, was published in 2020. His second book Have You Heard from God Lately? 30 Messages from Heaven to You was released in 2024.

More from Keon

How would you like to get a personal letter from someone? Most people like real mail, especially if its from a person who truly cares about you. What if that letter not only shared their affection but it revealed the answers to some of life’s most profound questions? God has written you such a letter, the Bible! Actually, the Bible is a collection of all God’s written messages to you.

This fact was impressed on me as I read the New Testament book of Hebrews. It opens with a bold statement. God had given messages to humanity in ancient times through prophets and angels. Finally, God sent Jesus, the Ultimate Messenger with the ultimate message that is vital for every person.

This captured my attention and made me wonder how the previous messages in the Bible led up to Jesus and His message? Researching that question took me on an exciting journey of discovery, encouragement, and warning in God’s Word. The result is my book, Have You Heard from God Lately?  It summarizes major Bible themes to help you navigate the amazing Book. I hope it inspires you to open God’s letter and realize just how much He cares for you!

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 9

An Author’s Take, October 10

Blossoms and Blessings, October 11 (Author Interview)

Godly Book Reviews, October 11

Artistic Nobody, October 12 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, October 13

Inspired by Fiction, October 14

Stories By Gina, October 15 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 16

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, October 17 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 18

Guild Master, October 19 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, October 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 20

A Reader’s Brain, October 21 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 22


To celebrate his tour, Keon is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A Perfect Flock by Mike Bogue



About the Book


Book: A Perfect Flock

Author: Mike Bogue

Genre: Christian Science Fiction

Release date: October 26, 2023

Tuck Jameson vows to stop his brother Clay from joining The Body, a religious cult that uses nanotechnology to turn its members into Christian automatons.

But Clay disappears—and in three days, his nanotechnology conversion will be complete. Desperate to find Clay, Tuck enlists the aid of former high school mentor Adam Shimura, now a black ops agent with potentially mixed motives.

Brother Moody, the cult’s Chief Elder, mobilizes his acolytes against Tuck. Worse, a shocking prophecy ups the ante, making Tuck realize the stakes involve not only him and Clay, but all of America—and perhaps, the world.


Click here to get your copy!


I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are my own and not an endorsement of all author’s opinions.

Author Interview

1. What was the most challenging part of writing your book?


Tying the subplots into the main plot and making sure they got resolved by or right after the novel’s climax. For me, this takes a lot of planning. But it adds depth to the novel. For example, in A Perfect Flock, two of the major subplots—one involving a best friend’s loyalties and one involving a might-be romance—are resolved just before the novel’s climax kicks into high gear.



2. How do you weave Biblical truths into your writing? 


Rather than quote Scriptures, I show my Christian characters living out Biblical truths, such as compassion, generosity, and faithfulness. However, my Christian characters are also flawed and struggle to do the right thing. 


In addition, I weave Biblical themes into the plot. For example, the major theme in A Perfect Flock is that God champions free will. He wants willing, not coerced, followers. But in the novel, the cult The Body uses nanotechnology to turn its adherents into so-called perfect Christians. Nanobots change your brain chemistry and force you to behave morally, though this is a superficial sanctification, one that ignores your inner sin nature. But Brother Moody, the head of the cult, justifies this coercion as being God’s will.



3. Was your writing process spontaneous as it came to you or very planned and 

        organized? Why? 


I am afraid that as a writer, I am definitely not a pantser. My writing process is highly organized—some might say it smacks of OCD!


Once I create the plot and the characters, I meticulously develop each chapter, adhering to the novel’s classic beginning, middle, and end structure. I likewise detail what will happen in each scene—why it’s important, the conflict, the characters, the outcome (which for the protagonist will usually be a disaster), and what the protagonist will do next. I strive to make sure each of these scenes build upon one another, hindrances becomingmore dire for the hero as he struggles to achieve his goal.


I am a very structured writer, and I always work better with blueprints than without. Plus, because A Perfect Flock involved complicated plotting, I needed to know what was going to happen before I could start writing anything. 



4. Why did you pick this genre for your book?


Because my novel was going to employ near-future technology. Thus, science fiction fit my plot like a photon torpedo in the hull of a Klingon warship.


In addition, science fiction is my favorite genre, and most of the plots and ideas that drift into my mind do so from this domain of space, time, aliens, and strangeness.


More specifically, A Perfect Flock falls under the genre Christian science fiction. This allows the writer to explore upcoming technology from a spiritual as well as a pragmatic viewpoint. An excellent example of this is Steven James’ recent novel Synapsein which an AI entity exhibits self-awareness. Does this mean it has a soul? Or that it can become a Christian?


A Perfect Flock asks how far nanotechnology may go to achieve less than noble ends. Would an authoritarian believer, like the novel’s Brother Moody, use it to force Christians to become supposedly perfect? And would his ultimate goal be to direct Christianity nanobots to invade the minds of unwilling (and unwitting) men and women?



5. What is your next big goal as an author? 


  To complete my current novel-in-progress Eden ColonyThe premise:


After a nuclear war, Caleb Anderson discovers he and certain fellow Christian survivors are immune to radiation. They struggle to rebuild a benevolent post-nuke society, but a clandestine government group schemes to use them to establish a dictatorship. If Caleb doesn’t stop them, thousands of war survivors will die.


  In addition to writing, I hope to increase the number of subscribers to my website

  by offering free reader magnets, and to devote time to better communicating with my

  target readers.


  Ms. Fowler, thank you for letting me speak to your readers.



About the Author

Why does Mike Bogue write speculative fiction? Because he finds it a perfect genre to explore timeless themes and timely science, as well as the collision between technology and faith. When he isn’t writing, he enjoys watching Godzilla movies, singing 1960s pop tunes, and munching Fiber One brownies. Single and retired, Mike lives with his cat Bendi in Western Arkansas, where he and Bendi regularly hold contests to see who can nap the longest in a single day.




More from Mike

“If brainwashing means losing my free will for God’s sake, so be it.”

Thus says a recruit for the religious cult The Body in my novel A Perfect Flock.

When planning the novel, I wondered—should Christians use technology to enhance their moral lives? What if technology forced us to be good? Should we use it? Should we advocate it? Would it make Christians, and therefore the Gospel, more appealing to non-Christians?

A Perfect Flock explores these issues. In the novel, technology that might have been a blessing becomes a curse in the hands of cult leader Brother Moody. Indeed, becoming Moody’s version of a perfect Christian might just cost you your soul.

In A Perfect Flock, you will confront the well-meaning but dark future into which technology may be taking Christians and society; experience a fast-paced quest in which an older brother is determined to save his younger brother from technological enslavement; and face the tension between free will and enforced will—if we had the technology to force others to become Christians, should we?

If you like near-future Christian science fiction novels such as Steven James’ Synapse, I think you’ll enjoy A Perfect Flock.

A technical note: The book was released last October 23, so it is available now.

Best of hopes and dreams,


Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, October 5

For the Love of Literature, October 6 (Author Interview)

The Book Zone, October 7

Tell Tale Book Reviews, October 8 (Author Interview)

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, October 9

Through the Fire Blogs, October 10 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 11

Artistic Nobody, October 12 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, October 12

Locks, Hooks and Books, October 13

Stories By Gina, October 14 (Author Interview)

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, October 14

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, October 15 (Author Interview)

A Reader’s Brain, October 16 (Author Interview)

Blogging With Carol, October 17

Back Porch Reads, October 18 (Author Interview)


To celebrate his tour, Mike is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon card and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.