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About the Book
Evil Forebodings: Tiffany Rodgers is the kind of danger that she never dreamed could happen to her in the quiet little town of Newville. She is being stalked and having strange visions. The animals even seem different of late, somehow affected by the changes in the air. Officer Allen Lawrence is drawn to Tiffany, but he has reservations. Is she losing her mind, playing games, or are the things that she is seeing more than just evil forebodings?
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My Review
Carol Keen effortlessly takes us to the world of the invisible in this thriller! Supernatural forces of evil can be a difficult concept to make clear in the reader's mind because it is truly invisible in reality to us and the author. However, Ms. Keen seamlessly explores the unseen world in a way that makes it completely clear to the reader and keeps you on the edge of your seat the entire time. Suspense, mystery, action, and emotion all tied up in one neat package. I loved how the pets were incorporated into the story and capitalized upon their natural tendency to sense danger. Each page I turned, I felt the emotion of the characters- the fear, uncertainty, the literal chill down my spine. I could clearly see and feel the struggle and desperation in the scenes where we held our breath at what would happen to the characters next. I loved how the characters had to act like detectives to unlock the mystery of the origin of these evil forebodings. I loved how Ms. Keen incorporated the power of prayer in battling spiritual evil, and the trust the characters learned to have in the Lord in critical situations. I could literally smell and feel the evil presence that made its' home in Newville and it gave me the same sense of urgency the characters had to protect each other and figure out the mystery. We see the reality of spiritual evil, the damage it can do when out of control, and the power of prayer and trust in the Lord to overcome any evil, even if we can't see it. If you love suspense and mystery, this is a must read! I received this book for free in exchange for a fair and unbiased review.
About the Author

Guest Post from Carol E. Keen
Well, I know it isn’t lady like or proper to squeak or go “Eeeeeee!” with excitement, but it’s so hard not to do so. I’m past excited to be on this tour with Celebrate Lit! First I have to say, these are wonderful folks who I’m so very blessed to get to work with!
Now, today I’m doing happy dances over your being here for the kick off for my book, Evil Forebodings. It’s my second published book, and my first full-length fiction novel. This book took eight, yes that is 8, long years to complete. What on Earth could take me that long to write one book?
It started with my first event called, NanoWriteMo. In my case, it was NanoWrite-less! Who had the “brilliant” idea to have a huge writing contest smack over Thanksgiving and two major birthdays in our family? It was a disaster. It was as bad as saying a night person like myself has to function at 8:00am and be good at it. I was alone in my endeavor and didn’t get far at all.
A few years later, I went back to working on this book. This time I had a huge emotional backset from an incident that was just traumatic. I was told, in essence, that I wasn’t good enough to write for a career, and that my focus was on all the wrong things in my life. This came from a published author, who really didn’t know me. I was weighed and judged unfairly, and it was devastating. I learned a great deal though, and pretty much gave up on doing things the way I had been.
Forging ahead anyway, my first book, Beauty For Ashes, was published. Then I got to work on Evil Forebodings. This story and its characters have never left me, and I knew I had to finish this book. I’m really pleased with how it turned out, and I hope that you will enjoy it. While I believe all authors put some of themselves into their work, this book had a heavy dose of my heart infused into it in several places.
Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure, and please feel free to ask questions!
Blessings, Carol :)
Blog Stops
July 26: Daysong Reflections
July 27: Our Perfectly Imperfect Life!
July 29: inklings and notions
July 30: A Reader’s Brain
July 31: Mary Hake
July 31: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
August 1: Through the Open Window
August 1: Cassandra M’s Place
August 2: Bukwurmzzz
August 3: Karen’s Krayons
August 4: Petra’s Hope
August 5: Carpe Diem
August 6: Singing Librarian Books
August 7: For the Love of Books
August 8: Books! Books! Books!
To celebrate her tour, Carol is giving away three copies of her new book with a bookmark. Click here to enter: https://promosimple.com/ps/9f31