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My Review
Wow- I had no idea the adventure I was embarking on when I opened to page one, but I knew it was going to be a thrilling one. Jonah is torn between love for his family, his desire to be what he thinks is a success by earning his medical degree, and standing face to face with horrible accusations about his personal character. He is faced with a dilemma which he eventually decides to compromise with. He will escort his family to their new land and then return to clear his name and become the success he believes he needs to be to be worth anything as a man. In steps Marian- a most unexpected yet eventually welcome surprise. A new conflict arises when Marian's love for her family and Jonah are tested and weighed in the balance.Aboard Providence was steeped in history as well as a sense of hope and adventure. It dealt in faith shown by all the passengers in the Lord and His plans for them to escape the country that was ready to rip in two and start a war. I must confess that when I realized the characters were serious about moving to South America, I was scared for them but excited at the same time. What dedication to the Lord they showed making this bold move as a whole community of families. How long did they have to think through what they would have to do without and who they would encounter in their new land? I was inspired by the faith and hope seen in all the character's lives as the voyage takes so many unexpected twists and turns which prove that God's ways and thoughts are not the same as our own. As we know but rarely remember as Christians, the Lord's plans are far better than anything we could have thought up or accomplished on our own. The love between Jonah and Marian was brought about by the Lord. The direction of and happenings on the ship were brought about by the Lord. The Land where they settled was brought about by the Lord. Like the characters, we see unexpected twists and turns, but the Lord is bringing about His will and destiny for our lives in a path that only He knows the end to. We realize that our worth should not be based on man's opinion, but upon fulfilling the call the Lord has on our life.
The characters were so clear in my mind and the conversations and emotions conveyed were vivid in my mind. I could almost feel the spray from the sea and smell the salt air. I could see the cramped spaces they all endured as well as the lack of privacy. I admit had I been a character, I would have not been a very seaworthy passenger! When I began reading that this book was set in the 1860's I expected an emphasis on one part of history but instead got the voyage of a lifetime. If you enjoy history, you will enjoy this book. If you enjoy romantic themes, you will enjoy this book. If you enjoy inspirational reads, you will enjoy this book. If you enjoy adventure and supsense, you will enjoy this book. If you like Christian fiction at all, you will thoroughly enjoy this book!
**I was given this book for free and gave my complete and honest opinion.
About the Author
Keely Brooke Keith is the author of the Uncharted series (Edenbrooke Press) and Aboard Providence (CrossRiver Media). Her novels are known for blending genres in unconventional ways. When she isn’t writing stories, Keely enjoys playing bass guitar, preparing homeschool lessons, and collecting antique textbooks. Originally from St. Joseph, Missouri, Keely resides with her husband and their daughter on a hilltop south of Nashville where she dreams up stories, hoping to encourage, comfort, and inspire readers. She is a member of ACFW.
Guest Post from Keely Brooke Keith
The Uncharted series has a past…
The Uncharted storyline begins in the 21st Century in a hidden land that was settled in the 1860s by Americans. Throughout the Uncharted books, the characters refer to their founders’ history. Soon after the release of The Land Uncharted, readers expressed their desire for more. Why did the founders leave America in 1860? How did they plan the group migration? Where did they believe they were going? How did they establish what is now a fascinating culture?
I too was drawn by the founders’ story. When I set out to write it, I enjoyed fleshing out the mystery of how the founders arrived in the Land and what it was like for them, not only for the characters who wanted that adventure, but also those who didn’t. I became swept away on a journey of faith, sacrifice, and God’s unfailing provision.
The result is Aboard Providence (CrossRiver Media, 2016).
Join the founders as they embark on their voyage to an uncharted land.
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In honor of her tour, Keely is giving away The Uncharted Series ebooks! Click the link below to enter; be sure to comment on this post to claim your nine bonus entries for this giveaway!