Saturday, March 30, 2019

Dead Letter, A Meddlin' Madeline Mystery by Chautona Havig

About the Book

Book: Dead Letter, A Meddlin’ Madeline Mystery  
Author: Chautona Havig  
Genre: Christian historical, mystery  
Release Date: February 19, 2019

For the first time, Madeline has permission to meddle.

Something’s not adding up in the Wintherwood, Ohio bank, and Madeline’s there to figure out why.

Sent by the Rockland Pinkerton’s office to investigate shady banking practices, Madeline finally has the opportunity to try out all her developing detective skills.

From her new disguise to an assumed persona, complete with non-existent fiancé, Madeline takes on embezzlement in Wintherwood, Ohio.

Now, to find the culprit and get back to Rockland before Amy arrives, before Mrs. Barnes gets any sicker, and before Russell writes her off as a hopeless, heartless girl. As Madeline figures out what’s happening, even Mr. Flint begins to lose confidence in her. How will she prove who is taking the money and why–especially after her primary suspect ends up dead? Dead Letter is the fourth book in the Meddlin’ Madeline series.

Click HERE to purchase your copy.

My Review

Oh Meddlin' Madeline- how I wish we were friends in real life! Props to our author for this true masterpiece of plot, history, mystery, and characters. I don't think you could find a more dynamic, relatable character than Madeline, or a more interesting job than that which Madeline finds herself in. The exchanges between characters make you feel part of the action, and the descriptive background really helps you to set the scene in your mind. The story unfolds at a pace that keeps your attention while still slowly revealing layer after layer. I loved Madeline's inner dialogue that just made me laugh so many times. I would suggest this book for those who enjoy historical, mystery, or just plain well written Christian fiction. Don't miss the earlier books in this series, and be on the lookout for more installments!

I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are entirely my own. 

About the Author

Chautona Havig lives in an oxymoron, escapes into imaginary worlds that look startlingly similar to ours and writes the stories that emerge. An irrepressible optimist, Chautona sees everything through a kaleidoscope of It’s a Wonderful Life sprinkled with fairy tales. Find her on the web and say howdy—if you can remember how to spell her name.

More from Chautona

3 Reasons You’ll Love the Book and Hate Me

“This is book four, right?” I nodded. He looked at me with those eyes that conjure up the idea of puppy dogs begging for treats. So deceptive. “You’re going to have to up the stakes then.” “Well, this is the one where she goes into official active detective mode and decides if she even wants that kind of life.” “Not enough.” He was right and I knew it. Fortunately, I’d prepared for this moment. You see, I know him well. He’s a horror writer. He likes to torment in ways that make my worst meannesses seem petty (like the time I suggested killing off Chad in Past Forward—trust me. That was kind compared to his ideas). So, I pulled out my bigger gun and plopped it on the table. I added ammunition. And grinned. Look, you guys are going to hate me for it, but trust me. It needs to be done. You’ll forgive me… eventually. Maybe. I hope. Then he did it. He gave me that look. No, not the, “Yeah, baby!” look you want to see when you’ve hit a hole in one. The, “Is that all you’ve got?” look. The work began. He suggested one thing. I toned it back. He looked like that puppy again—except this time I’d kicked him. Bless his heart, he does love his horror. Still, he whistled his way out the door a short while later, and I grinned. Compromise is beautiful. But what does that mean for YOU?

3 Reasons You’ll Love the Book and Hate Me

First— Love the book: Madeline as Jane Sempleton is a hoot. She cracked me up from the beginning, and I’m still chuckling.
Hate me: Madeline’s faith and integrity are tested in this one—exponentially. Without giving away too much, her father even rebukes her!!!

Second— Love the book: Mrs. Barnes is such a sweet mentor to Madeline Hate me: Mrs. Barnes. That’s all I’m sayin’. Mrs. Barnes.

Third— Love the book: Snippets of the heart get revealed. Hate me: Russell. That’s all I’m sayin’. Russell.

So, there you have it. All the reasons you should read this book… and remember that the series isn’t over. Not by a long shot. It’s darkest before dawn. And um… a whole bunch of other clichés.

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Chautona is giving away a grand prize of a paperback copy of Dead Letter, a Madeline-inspired book cozy, and a book-themed candle!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, March 25, 2019

The Arrow Bringer by Lisa R. Mayer

About the Book

Book: The Arrow Bringer  
Author: Lisa Mayer  
Genre: Allegorical Fantasy  
Release Date: March 19, 2019  

Evie could’ve saved Aletheia. Now it might be too late. Evie Lewis has just been diagnosed with leukemia at sixteen. Then, a powerful being called the Arrow Bringer offers her a choice: spend her last days in peace or save Aletheia. She stays. But then Shawn Lawrence—the closest person she has to a friend—goes in her place. Now Evie must save Shawn and race to fix her mistake as a shadow falls over Aletheia. Even as leukemia consumes her body, a new enemy and more imminent perils pursue her. And she must endure all and save Aletheia while keeping her darkest secret:

  that it’s all her fault.

Click HERE to purchase your copy.

My Review

I felt like The Arrow Bringer captured that "C.S. Lewisness" (if that's a word! :) that we all enjoy in his works while making it contemporary to readers today. (Not to suggest that C.S. Lewis is not still awesome for the contemporary reader ;) The Chronicles of Narnia was among my first fiction books that got me hooked on fiction for life, and really nurtured my love for books. I felt like the author was original while still so clearly portraying the allegory of the story that really shows us the love of a Christ in a literary way. I felt like the names and things may have been a little confusing for me to follow, but the plot is jammed with action and truly embodies the fantasy genre. What was really great is I was able to follow the allegory and I thought the way the Lord is portrayed is really special. The fantasy world made sense and was really well thought out. I thought the characters and the emotions they experienced really came through in a good way. I would suggest this book for fantasy readers, anyone that like C.S. Lewis fiction, or anyone that enjoys a good adventure book. 

I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are entirely my own. 

About the Author

Lisa Mayer recognizes, far better than most, the power of words. She also understands that what people need to know about Jesus is that His love is unconditional, His mercy is unending… and that there are no lengths to how far He’ll go to save His people. Jesus melted Lisa’s hard heart through words. Now, she hopes to use her words to do the same for others. She loves Jesus and His people and you won’t find a judgmental bone in her body. She lives in Indiana with her husband, Rich, and her furbaby, Scooby. She loves writing, and in her free time, you’ll find her curled up in her superhero pajamas binge-watching her favorite movies and TV shows.

More from Lisa

The Lamp Post The inspiration to write a book often starts with a dream. Mine started with a lamp post. I had no idea that after watching The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in December 2005 my life would never be the same. From that moment, I read every Narnia and C.S. Lewis book I could get my hands on. I searched for Narnia in every wardrobe and ended up finding it deep within my heart… and that’s when I knew I wanted to write a modern Christian-fantasy series inspired by Narnia. And the first book of The Aletheian Journeys came to life—The Arrow Bringer.

 I’d like to say that my first draft was pure magic. But my journey was only beginning, and I had a lot to learn. Writing is an art and requires the patience of a sculptor. I began with a large block of marble and a vision, and then sculpted away until I discovered the beauty underneath. In truth, it wasn’t just the writing in and of itself that makes The Arrow Bringer special to me. It’s about what The Arrow Bringer reflects—that as I became a better writer, in a way I also became a better person. I learned who I am and accepted myself, my characters taught me to be strong, and I fell more in love with Jesus.

 Don’t get me wrong. I want The Arrow Bringer (and the six following novels in The Aletheian Journeys) to make it—make an impact, make a difference, make straight His paths. C.S. Lewis changed the world with Narnia. Anyone who reads it knows what it is to love Aslan better here by knowing him first in Narnia. And yet all of us still hunger for something that we can’t explain—and that is Jesus Christ.

 At its heart, The Arrow Bringer is a love story. The story of the love of the Arrow Bringer for this people, for friends and family struggling to save Aletheia, and a story of love between us and Jesus. The story is meant to inspire, to bring hope, and to remind you of how much you matter. I sincerely hope, with all my heart, that you will find the Arrow Bringer not only in Aletheia… but in every chapter of your life. It wasn’t just my writing journey that began with a lamp post… but my journey with Christ. By coming further up and further in, I found more than I ever could have dreamed.

I hope the spark from that lamp post will fuel The Arrow Bringer, honoring the legacy of C.S. Lewis, and inspiring a new generation. Within The Arrow Bringer, I hope you’ll find joy, romance, friendship, and adventure. Most of all, I hope you discover that Jesus’ mercy has no end… and He loves you far more than you could ever imagine.

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Lisa is giving away a grand prize of a Narnia gift basket that includes a signed copy of The Aletheian Journeys: The Arrow Bringer, the entire The Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe on Blu-ray and a movie companion booklet, and two of Lisa R Mayer’s favorite Narnia reflection books in pristine condition from her personal collection: The Heart of the Chronicles of Narnia: Knowing God Here By Finding Him There by Thomas Williams and Believing in Narnia: A Kid’s Guide to Unlocking Secret Symbols of Faith in C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia by Natalie Gillespie!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Uninvited by Beckie Lindsey

About the Book

Book: Uninvited  
Author: Beckie Lindsey  
Genre: YA  
Release Date: 9/16/2018  

Every girl has a secret she hopes the light will never find— but the demons already have. Battles between unseen forces of good and evil have made unlikely friends out of high school juniors Krystal, Mackenzie, Tammi, and Sadie, who share similar secrets from their traumatic pasts. As Krystal’s lifelong friendship with Bryce grows into something more, her new friendship with Mackenzie is tested. While Tammi and Sadie heal from their injuries caused by a horrific accident, their deeper wounds fester as tension grown between them. When a handsome nurse and a sultry singer join the group, things become even more tangled. Will the relationships survive the epic spiritual battles raging around them? Or will the demons keep them chained to their secrets?

Click HERE to purchase your copy.  

My Review

I found Uninvited to be very YA appropriate and felt like it gave a really good look into the contemporary teen's life and how spiritual warfare is so, so real and active. It took me back to thinking about my teen years and the dreaded peer pressure. I found the plot very engaging, the description of the spiritual warfare very clearly described, and the characters very relatable to everyday life. We get to enter a group of teen friends, and the different demons they deal with which was very realistic and did not sugar coat reality. There is a trigger warning at the beginning of the book because of the different real scenarios our characters find themselves in so that's something to keep in mind. I feel like the YA reader would find a realistic and thoroughly engaging fiction within Uninvited

I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are entirely my own. 

About the Author

Beckie Lindsey is an award-winning author, poet, blogger, and the editor of Southern California Christian Voice, a division of One Christian Voice, a national news syndicating agency. She is a major coffeeholic and enjoys a good book with a cat on her lap. She also loves to hike and hang out with family and friends. Beckie and her husband, Scott have three adult children, two adorable cats and live in California.  

Guest Post from Beckie

Why I write YA and the BFA series

  I believe a teenager still exists inside each of us.   We hear a familiar tune from our “glory days” and are instantly tapping our toes. Mentally, we’re back in high school —poofy bangs, scrunchie, neon off-the-shoulder sweatshirt — and all. Oh, wait. That’s me back in the ‘80s!

  Ah, yes. There is something wonderfully awful about those coming-of-age years.   From the first kiss to the first breakup, there are memories we cherish and some we don’t care to ever revisit. Being a teen can be exciting, confusing, painful, joyous, or even all of those things at once!   No matter how different your teenage experience was from mine, one thing is true for us all: these years have an enormous impact on who we become as adults. We can all sympathize with the plight of puberty and the longing for independence and acceptance. Yeah, there’s still a teenager in all of us!

  These are the reasons I write YA.   My hope is to use the power of storytelling to move past barriers and open hearts to accept how much God loves and desires a personal relationship with us.

  At every age, we all need the grace and love of Jesus.   In the Beauties from Ashes (BFA) series, I write about relatable characters with difficult issues and traumatic pasts to enlighten readers about the unseen spiritual battle referred to in Scripture. Each character has a secret that has left them vulnerable to the battle in an invisible realm where demonic creatures fight to keep them chained to their pasts and angels of light work to free them.   The characters and their issues are complex, just like real life. In fact, some of the topics are often considered too taboo to talk about openly. But what is left in the dark, festers and grows. It is only in the light that we can be free. In the BFA series, readers experience the character’s quest for truth, love, grace, and freedom while hopefully finding the same for themselves.  

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Beckie is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Vivir el Dream by Allison K Garcia

About the Book

Book: Vivir el Dream
Author: Allison K Garcia  
Genre: Christian Latino Fiction  
Release Date: May 19, 2017

The fates of an undocumented college student and her mother intertwine with a suicidal businessman’s. As circumstances worsen, will their faith carry them through or will their fears drag them down?
Linda Palacios crossed the border at age three with her mother, Juanita, to escape their traumatic life in Mexico and to pursue the American dream. Years later, Linda nears college graduation. With little hope for the future as an undocumented immigrant, Linda wonders where her life is going.
Tim Draker, a long-unemployed businessman, has wondered the same thing. Overcome with despair, he decides to take his own life. Before he can carry out his plan, he changes course when he finds a job as a mechanic. Embarrassed about working at a garage in the barrio, he lies to his wife in hopes of finding something better.
After Juanita’s coworker gets deported, she takes in her friend’s son, Hector, whom her daughter Linda can’t stand, While Juanita deals with nightmares of her traumatic past, she loses her job and decides to go into business for herself.
Will the three of them allow God to guide them through the challenges to come, or will they let their own desires and goals get in the way of His path?

Click HERE to purchase your copy.

My Review

What an on point and timely read we find in Vivir el Dream. I think it is easy for us all to get caught up in stereotypes without really taking time to get to know a person that actually represents the group that is stereotyped. It seems a natural human phenomenon. Vivir el Dream totally challenged all that in regards to undocumented Christians. The old saying is true that before we think ill of someone, we should walk a mile in their shoes. We meet Linda & Juanita, and a reality that is too easy to ignore for most of us is presented. The way this book really sucked you into the characters and helped you to feel their struggles, their shame, and their fear was so engaging. The plot kept you turning the page. I have a personal connection here with undocumented families, and I can tell you this book is not exaggerating that reality in many cases. There was also a sweet light romance that blossomed within so it was a really well-rounded fiction. Also, a lot of Spanish was used (with definitions footnoted at the bottom) which I enjoyed learning about. I could tell the author really went all out to make this an authentic and well-rounded book. 

In conclusion, while there is a very heated discussion politically about all this right now, one thing I can tell you regardless of where your politics lie on this issue. The Lord calls us to see individuals as special creations of His with a soul that needs Him. When we see all people that way, stereotypes have to take a back seat because we see them the way God does. Vivir el Dream challenges us to realize that and take a walk in shoes that have endured a lot more than we can imagine so that we can care for our brothers and sisters in Christ that come from a different walk of life. Thank you for daring to write in a way that opens our eyes to the reality some of our family in Christ live every day Mrs. Garcia! Also, props for being a pioneer in the Christian Latino fiction genre- this was my first read of this genre!

I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are entirely my own. 

About the Author

Allison K. Garcia is a Licensed Professional Counselor, but she has wanted to be a writer ever since she could hold a pencil. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers, Shenandoah Valley Writers, Virginia Writers Club, and is Municipal Liaison for Shenandoah Valley NaNoWriMo. Allison’s short story, “At Heart,” was published in the Winter 2013 edition of From the Depths literary magazine, along with her flash fiction. Her work, “You Shall Receive,” was published in GrayHaven Comics’s 2014 All Women’s anthology. Winning an honorary mention in the ACFW Virginia 2015 short story contest, “Just Another Navidad” was published in A bit of Christmas. Allison’s book, Vivir el Dream, published May 2017, has won several prestigious awards: 2016 ACFW Genesis Contest Finalist, 2018 Eric J. Hoffer Montaigne Medal Finalist, Honorary Mention in the 2018 Eric. J. Hoffer Awards E-book category, and 2018 IAN Book of the Year Awards Finalist in the Christian/Relgious Fiction category. Her highly-anticipated novel, Finding Amor, was released in September 2018. Latina at heart, Allison has been featured in local newspapers for her connections in the Latino community in Harrisonburg, Virginia. A member of cultural competency committees for work and a participant in several pro-immigrant rallies and other events in her region, she also sings on the worship team and enjoys get-togethers with the hermanos in her church. With the help of her husband, Julio, and their son, Miguel, she has been able to nurture her love for the Latino people.

More from Allison K. Garcia

Authenticity and Love

When I wrote my debut novel Vivir el Dream in 2012, I never imagined that it was going to win five awards, that I would be invited to churches and universities and NPR to speak about it, or that it would be taught on a college campus. That’s not why I wrote it. Sure, I hoped that people would read it and love it, but I never imagined the impact it would have and the book’s relevance seven years later.

 There were two main reasons I wrote Vivir el Dream: authenticity and love.

 They go hand-in-hand, but I shall tell you a little about how God sparked the story in my heart. In 2011, we had three church members deported, and one of them was a dear friend—a good man who loves his family, greeted the congregation at the door, helped take the collection every Sunday and set up the tables and chairs for special programs. To see our friend, and hermano en Cristo, treated in a way that traumatized his children and nearly tore apart up his family, was something that broke my heart. But what broke it worse was seeing how the media spoke about undocumented people and sadder yet, having conversations with other Christians who spoke anger and hatred towards “illegals.” God spoke to my heart about this.

How could my brothers and sisters in Christ be so unkind and uncaring? Hadn’t they read The Good Samaritan? Didn’t they remember about loving our neighbors? It happened again and again, and I realized, with God’s help, that one of the challenges was that people didn’t understand the real story. They were fed a certain stereotype by the media, an image of a tattooed person in a gang or a drug dealer. They hadn’t actually met anyone undocumented. Or at least they hadn’t realized they had. In my life and in my job as a counselor, I had met tons of undocumented immigrants, and I had known them the great majority to be kind, hard-working people who wanted the best for their family and were willing to risk it all for the chance at the American dream. I saw love, I saw bravery, I saw strength, I saw faith. And I believe that God showed me those things so that I could reflect that in my novels. A wonderful thing happens when we’re reading a book. We jump into the shoes of the main character. We understand their plight. Their hopes are our hopes. We feel their story, their dreams, their love, their anguish, their joy. That is one of the great things about reading. We escape our own lives for a while and experience a new adventure, gain a new understanding. We go places and meet people and do things we would never be able to in our own lives. So that is what God placed on my heart to share with the world: an authentic experience of a mother and daughter who are undocumented Christians.

 It’s controversial, but then so was the Gospel. What is more controversial than Jesus’ teachings? To love those who hate us. To turn the other cheek. To give away all possessions to join Him. I mean, what is more controversial than being asked to believe that a man born over 2,000 years was the Son of God and was risen from the dead after three days and that giving one’s heart over to Him will save one’s soul so as to live for all of eternity with God in Heaven? And yet, that is the very heart of the Gospel. To love God and to love others. So, in the spirit of loving God and listening to Him, I wrote Vivir el Dream and published it even when the world pushed against it and continues to do so, perhaps more now than in 2012. All the more reason to love our neighbor more and to hold tighter onto God and His teachings. I hope you enjoy my book. I hope it takes you on a new, heartwrenching adventure that carries you from the anguish in crossing a desert with your three-year-old daughter on your hip to the freedom in cooking tamales in the kitchen while swaying to cumbia, from the stabbing fear of living in a country that doesn’t want you to experiencing the joy of first love, and from the desperation of staring down an empty barrel to the understanding of truth for your fellow man. God bless. And happy reading.

Blog Stops


To celebrate her tour, Allison is giving away a grand prize of a gift basket that includes 4 Christian novels, secret recipes for some of the Mexican cuisine described in Vivir el Dream, and authentic arts and crafts from Guadalajara, Mexico or by preference, a $40 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, March 18, 2019

The White City by Grace Hitchcock

About the Book

Book: The White City
Author: Grace Hitchcock  
Genre: Christian Historical/Suspense  
Release Date: March, 2019  

Mysterious Disappearances Taint the Chicago World’s Fair

Step into True Colors—a new series of Historical Stories of Romance and American Crime

While attending the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893, Winnifred Wylde believes she witnessed a woman being kidnapped. She tries to convince her father, an inspector with the Chicago police, to look into reports of mysterious disappearances around the White City. Inspector Wylde tries to dismiss her claims as exaggeration of an overactive imagination, but he eventually concedes to letting her go undercover as secretary to the man in question—if she takes her pistol for protection and Jude Thorpe, a policeman, for bodyguard.

Will she be able to expose H. H. Holmes’s illicit activity, or will Winnifred become his next victim?

Click HERE to order your copy.

My Review

The White City was equal parts history, suspense, and romance tied up in one package. Winnifred was certainly a formidable heroine, and yet a totally relatable bookworm which I connected with. I liked how Mr. Thorpe was an ordinary guy along for the ride. I enjoyed watching their romance blossom slowly and how they worked together to figure out the clues. I enjoyed how Winnifred defied the expectations of a lady from that era and embraced her ability even when others thought it was laughable. I enjoyed the historical aspect of it centered around a true historical figure who was truly horrifying, and how history and fiction worked together hand in hand. Overall, I thought it was quirky, truly historic, inspiring, and mysterious all in one. I would have liked the plot to move a little more quickly, and considering the villain, I felt like more of a heart-pounding or terror aspect to it would have conveyed how awful the villain was in real life.  I would suggest this book for those who enjoy historical fiction, clean romance fiction, or light mystery/suspense.

I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are entirely my own. 

About the Author

Grace Hitchcock is the author of three novellas in The Second Chance Brides, The Southern Belle Brides, and the Thimbles and Threads collections with Barbour Publishing. The White City is her debut novel and releases March 2019 with Barbour Publishing. She holds a Masters in Creative Writing and a Bachelor of Arts in English with a minor in History. Grace lives in southern Louisiana with her husband, Dakota, and son. Visit Grace online at

Guest Post from Grace

True Colors—Fiction Based on Strange, But True, American Crime Stories

True, riveting stories of American criminal activity are explored through 6 unique stories of historical romantic suspense in the exciting new True Colors series. In book one, The White City, Winnifred Wylde believes she witnessed a woman being kidnapped while attending the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. She tries to convince her father, an inspector with the Chicago police, to look into reports of mysterious disappearances around the White City. Inspector Wylde tries to dismiss her claims as exaggeration of an overactive imagination, but he eventually concedes to letting her go undercover as secretary to the man in question—if she takes her pistol for protection and Jude Thorpe, a detective, for bodyguard. Will she be able to expose H. H. Holmes’s illicit activity, or will Winnifred become his next victim?

The Real Criminal Behind the Story While Winnifred Wylde is a fictional character, Doctor H. H. Holmes was very real and became infamously known as America’s first serial killer. Learn more about him HERE.

Blog Stops

The Lit Addict, March 14
Multifarious, March 15
Back Porch Reads, March 15
Livin’ Lit, March 16
By The Book, March 18
EmpowerMoms, March 19
Bigreadersite, March 21
Genesis 5020, March 21
The Becca Files, March 21
Emily Yager, March 22
Pause for Tales, March 22
Mary Hake, March 23
Book by Book, March 23
amandainpa, March 25
Older & Smarter?, March 26


To celebrate her tour, Grace is giving away a grand prize of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of The White City!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.