Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Bloom in Your Winter Season by Deborah Malone with 23 Contributing Authors



About the Book

Book: Bloom in Your Winter Season

Author: Deborah Malone with 23 Contributing Authors

Genre: Bible Study

Release Date: April, 2024

Deborah’s latest book, Bloom in Your Winter Season, encourages women that God can use them and their strengths, talents, wisdom, and knowledge in their mature season of life. Written with twenty-four different authors, also in their silver season, Deborah created a unique concept that combines scripture reading, reflection and application questions. Previous books in the series are Blooming in Broken Places, and Bloom Where You Are Bible study.


Click here to get your copy!


I received a complimentary copy of this book, and all opinions given are my own and not an endorsement of all author’s opinions. 


Author Interview

1. Why did you choose to write about this particular topic? I wrote “Bloom in Your Winter Season,” because I’m in my winter season😊 I felt there was a need “seasoned” women to see examples from the Bible where God used “seasoned” women in mighty ways. Anna, Elizabeth and Lois are just a few examples we have. As my friend and mentor, Babbie Mason says, “God did not stamp an expiration date on our forehead.” He can and will use us until our last breath. I wanted to encourage other women to be mighty Winter Warriors for God!

● What was the most challenging part of writing your book? “Bloom in Your Winter Season,” is comprised of 24 authors including myself. The biggest challenge was to get all the devotions together from the authors. This took a lot of coordination. But the final product was well worth the effort. A compilation had been a dream of mine for many years – and now it has come to fruition. With having that many authors there is such a great opportunity to reach many more women in their winter season.

● What was the most enjoyable part of writing your book? Meeting and having contact with all the other authors. 

1. Did you learn anything new during your writing process?Studying the women of the Bible who I presented in my book “Bloom in Your Winter Season” was eye-opening. I’d heard of all the names of these faithful ladies but did not know them up close and personal. After studying them more intimately I grew to know them on a deeper level. This helped me to grow in my winter season as well. 

● Was your writing process spontaneous as it came to you or very planned and organized? Why? For my non-fiction books it would have to be very planned. When you are taking facts from the Bible you want to make sure that you are presenting it in truth. So, the research takes a lot of time. 

● Do you have a favorite time of day you are most productive in your writing? Not really😊 It is hard to make myself sit down and do the actual writing – so I’m just happy when I do make myself sit down and write. 

● How many books do you personally own? LOL I don’t have time to count them. And that is not counting the books I’ve given away over the years. I’m sure I’ve owned thousands over the years. 

● What is your next big goal as an author? Many people have asked me what I am writing next. And for now, I am telling them I’m not sure I will be writing another book. (But I’ve said that before😊 I have nine books out and the last three are Devotions/Bible Studies so I would love to take time to market my non-fiction books. So for now that is the plan.


About the Author

Deborah received Georgia Author of the Year Award 2018 in Inspiration Category for her book Blooming in Broken Places. Her companion workbook, Bloom Where You Are, was runner-up in the prestigious Selah Awards 2023 in Bible Study Category. Deborah is a certified Advanced Writers and Speakers Association Power Speaker. She is a member of the Georgia Writers Association, Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, and American Christian Fiction Writers. Deborah lives in the North Georgia mountains with her husband, Travis.


More from Deborah

Deborah’s latest book, Bloom in You Winter Season, encourages women that God can use them and their strengths, talents, wisdom, and knowledge in their mature season of life. Written with twenty-four different authors, also in their silver season, Deborah created a unique concept that combines scripture reading, reflection and application questions.
Welcome to the Winter Warriors club. A club made up of “seasoned” women who have a desire to give their heart to Abba even during the phases of their winter season. Maybe you’ve been going through changes that have you discouraged and ready to throw in the towel.
Change is inevitable: hearing aids, eyeglasses, and a knee replacement are just a few I’ve already experienced. Not to mention the changes to my body shape and style – yikes! Maybe you’ve been through some of these changes, too. If we dwell too long on the inevitable, it can be easy to get discouraged and want to just sit down and give up.
In this study you will be treated to twenty-four devotions by “seasoned” authors who continue to be active for the Lord in many ways – large or small – it is all for God’s glory.
You will hear me saying often: “God did not stamp an expiration date on our forehead.” While studying these women from the Bible, you will discover that God can and will use you even in your winter season.
As my friend Beth says, “There’s only one alternative to growing old.” And we all know what that is – something we will all have to face eventually, but until then, let’s make a pact to grow old as “seasoned” women being Winter Warriors for our Abba!

Blog Stops

Godly Book Reviews, September 7

Divine Perspective, September 8

Artistic Nobody, September 9 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 9

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, September 10

Girls in White Dresses, September 11

Life on Chickadee Lane, September 12

Blossoms and Blessings, September 13 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, September 13

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 14

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 15

Tell Tale Book Reviews, September 16 (Author Interview)

Cover Lover Book Review, September 17

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 18

A Reader’s Brain, September 19 (Author Interview)

She Lives to Read, September 20


To celebrate her tour, Deborah is giving away the grand prize package of a $30 Amazon gift card and the winner’s choice of one of Deborah’s books!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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