About the Book
In a world full of caring adults, how is it that we keep missing the cries of hurting kids?
“Today, when the bell rings, kids might leave their school campus, but they can never escape the other world, a world where mockers and intimidators thrive. Ironically, they carry a gateway to that world right in their pockets, because they see that world as an avenue of escape. . .but in reality, it’s putting them in bondage." --Jonathan McKee

Digital Hurt
The Escape Key
Why Didn’t You Say Anything?
Meet the Principal
Real-World Solutions
and More!
An expert on youth and youth culture, McKee shares his own heart-rending story and offers a sobering glimpse into the rapidly changing world of bullies, bystanders, and the bullied while providing helpful ways to connect with these kids, open doors of dialogue, and give them the encouragement they need and the validation they're searching for. . .too often in all the wrong places.
The Bullying Breakthrough promises real-world help for dealing with today’s bullying culture.
Purchase your copy HERE
My Review
Jonathan McKee does it again! In a short and sweet book written in top-notch quality, our author addresses the very real world kids and teens live in today that is just not addressed enough- bullying. In his book, he addresses the bullied, the bystanders, and the bullies. He uses the truth of God's word, his own personal experience being bullied & being the parent of a child that is bullied to bring together Biblical truth with common sense to have a practical and Godly approach to this situation no matter what category you or your child may fall into. He specifically addresses parents, teachers, and principals how to "notice, listen, befriend, and empathize" with both the bullied AND the bullies. I don't think I can stress the practicalness and application that is so on point in this book enough. He tackles cyber bullying and spends a whole chapter on how to combat and avoid this as well. It is great for teens to read to even if they are just that bystander that tends to just watch from the sidelines. He even goes into when kids are pushed totally over the edge leading to suicide and even harming others, and how to help these to stop happening. In an empathetic, practical, Biblical, and totally applicable way, our author addresses each category and the parents and teachers of those kids in a way that will completely change your perspective and make you proactive in addressing these issues with your child in a totally Biblical way. If you have a teen, YOU NEED THIS BOOK! I can not stress it enough. No matter which category your child falls into, this book will apply to them and to you, and can be read together. BE THE CHANGE and teach your kids to be that too! Teachers, principals! This book would be a priceless resource for you as well!
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.
P.S. Jonathan McKee also wrote an awesome Social Media Guide book for teens and parents you can buy HERE
About the Author
Jonathan McKee is the author of over twenty books including the brand new THE TEEN'S GUIDE TO SOCIAL MEDIA & MOBILE DEVICES; IF I HAD A PARENTING DO OVER; and the Amazon "Best Seller," THE GUY'S GUIDE TO GOD, GIRLS AND THE PHONE IN YOUR POCKET. With over 20 years youth ministry experience, Jonathan speaks to parents and leaders worldwide. You can follow Jonathan on his blog at JonathanMcKeeWrites.com, getting a regular dose of youth culture and parenting help. Jonathan, his wife, Lori, and their three kids live in California.